

        PojectMania maalpani near Aashish sir classes chhatri camp road. Motor driver #define IN1 2 #define IN2 3 #define IN3 4 #define IN4 5 #define ENA 6 #define ENB 10 void setup() {   pinMode(IN1,OUTPUT);   pinMode(IN2,OUTPUT);   pinMode(IN3,OUTPUT);   pinMode(IN4,OUTPUT);   pinMode(ENA,OUTPUT);   pinMode(ENB,OUTPUT); } void loop() {   digitalWrite(ENA,100);   digitalWrite(ENB,100);   digitalWrite(IN1,HIGH);   digitalWrite(IN3,HIGH);   digitalWrite(IN2,LOW);   digitalWrite(IN4,LOW); }


 INDEX What is IOT How make IOT based project What is ESP  How to connect Esp to LED How to connect Esp to Motor How to connect Esp to Servo How to connect Esp to Sensor How to make IOT by led IOT  :-  The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of connected devices that can sense and exchange data with other devices and systems. IoT devices are also known as "smart objects".  How make IOT based project :- We can create IoT projects using an ESP microcontroller and a Raspberry Pi, by connecting various sensors and devices to gather and exchange data for different applications. What is ESP :-  An ESP microcontroller is a small chip that combines a processor (CPU), Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth in one. It is used in IoT devices, wearable gadgets, and mobile devices to connect and communicate wirelessly. There are mainly 2 types ESP32 The ESP32 is an affordable microcontroller with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, making it perfect for connecting devices wirelessly. It can work...

Project Mania

 Robotics hand #include <Servo.h> Servo s1;   Servo s2;  Servo s3;  int pos = 0;    // variable to store the servo position void setup() { s1.attach(3); s2.attach(9);  s3.attach(6);    } void loop() {   delay(50);   for (pos = 0; pos <= 60; pos += 1)    {                                     // s2 downwards    s2.write(pos);                   delay(50);                          }   for (pos = 20; pos >= 0; pos -= 1)     {                                         //s1 close     s3.write(pos);                   d...

Class 7

 Syllables   Arduino What is Arduino Arduino Hardware Arduino Software           Light Automation by Arduino Light blinking Ambulance lights Traffic lights Chaser lights  5 by 5 lights               Servo Motor   What is servo motor How does it work. How does connection How does coding 1 servo run on 45 2 servo connection and coding           Project 1 - make a project by using 2 Leds and 1 servo.           Motor driver  What is Motor driver  How does it work. How does connection How does coding project 2 - make a project by using motor driver, 2 motors etc.   What is Arduino     Arduino - Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. It consists of a microcontroller (a small computer on a single integrated circuit) and an integrated development environment (IDE) that allows...

Class 8

What is sensor types of sensor LDR sensor IR sensor project 1 ultrasonic sensor smoke sensor Rain drop sensor MQ3 sensor project 2 Bluetooth LCD project 3 IOT esp32 esp8266 Led project by esp32 and esp8266 Sensor connect of esp32 final project #LDR  int ldr = A0; void setup() {   Serial.begin(9600);   pinMode(A0,INPUT);   pinMode(13,OUTPUT); } void loop() {   int data = analogRead(ldr);   Serial.print(" ldr ");   Serial.println(data);   delay(100);   if(data <= 500)   {     digitalWrite(13,HIGH);   }   else   {     digitalWrite(13,LOW);   } } #Ultrasonic An ultrasonic sensor is device  that measures the distance to an object using ultrasonic sound waves.                             An ultrasonic sensor works through a process that involves sending out sound waves and measuring the time it takes for them to return. Here’s ...

Class 6

Syllabus  What is Robot? types of Robots? Use of Robot? Explain Capacitor with diagram. Explain transistor with diagram. What is IC What is Sensor? Types of sensors? Explain IR sensor with diagram. Explain LDR sensor with diagram. Explain Touch sensor with diagram. Temperature sensor.  What is analog and digital sensor.  What is wireless communication. What is wireless module, connection of wireless module. Make a wireless car.  What is Conductor , semi-conductor and insulator.   What is robot - A robot is a type of automated machine that can execute specific tasks with little or no human intervention and with speed and precision.                                          Types of robot -  Pre programmed robot                                      ...