Class 6

 What is robot - A robot is a type of automated machine that can execute specific tasks with little or no human intervention and with speed and precision.


Types of robot -  Pre programmed robot

                        I. Pre-Programmed Robots

                               Humanoid robot   

                       Sophia (robot) - Wikipedia


                               Autonomous robot   

                    GitHub - miketobz/Autonomous-Robot-Rover: An Autonomous ...

                               Teleoperated robot 

                            Military drones for ISTAR - Height technologies

                               Augmenting robot

                          Robotic Human Augmentation | Vertically Integrated Projects

Use of robot - Manufacturing, military, Space exploration, Entertainment ,

Medical , service.

Capacitor - The capacitor is a two-terminal electrical device that stores energy in the form of electric charges


types of capacitor.


                     25 Types of Capacitors & their Uses (Explained in detail) | Capacitors,  Electronic circuit projects, Electronics basics

Capacitor circuit diagram

                     How to Use a Charged Capacitor to Light an LED


Transistor- A transistor is a type of semiconductor device that can be used to conduct and insulate electric current or voltage


Types of transistor 


circuit diagram of transistor

IC - An integrated circuit( also known as a microchip, chip or IC), is a small electronic device made up of multiple interconnected electronic components    


What is Sensor – A sensor is electronics device that can detects physical (e.g. heat, light, sound) , chemical  and biological Properties.


Types of sensor – IR sensor, LDR sensor, touch sensor and temperature sensor etc. 


IR sensor- An infrared (IR) sensor is an electronic device that measures and detects infrared radiation in its surrounding environment.


LDR sensor – ldr sensor is an is an electronic device that sense light and darkness. Project 1


Touch sensor- Touch Sensors are the electronic sensors that can detect touch


 Temperature sensor -Temperature sensors are devices designed for measuring the degree of coolness and hotness in an object.

Summer vacation 
        Make project based on parallel connection and ldr sensor. 
      Buy science kit

Project 2

Introduction of HTML - HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages. 




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